Thursday, February 2, 2012

Skateboards Shouldn't Bend

So I ran over some kid's skateboard today as I was going through our neighborhood. 
Don't go sitting there thinking, "What!? You monster!"
It was not my fault. Seriously. Seriously!
I was waiting to turn a corner. Stopped.
Two very nice young men (teenagers) were standing on the curb waiting. 
I proceed...very slowly...and then...
What. The. Heck. Was. That!?!
You should have seen the look on this boy's face when I stopped and got out of my car.
Fear, shock... he probably peed a little.
He was very sorry his board got away from him and he was VERY glad there was no damage to my car.
Even though it was not my fault I felt bad his skateboard was now a piece of bendy wood, but he assured me he had another to use.
All in all, not too bad. 

In other news...
I read this fabulous blog and do you know what I found out!?
TOMS now has ballet flats! Oooooh CUTE!


Are you as excited as I am?!?!?! 
You know you are.
Also, did you know Whole Foods sells TOMS?  I haven't seen with my own eyes, but I heard it's much easier than going to Nordstroms. 
Go get some. Do good.

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